Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Increase in gross primary production of boreal forests balanced out by increase in ecosystem respiration
Jouni Pulliainen, Mika Aurela, Tuula Aalto, Kristin Böttcher, Juval Cohen, et al.
(2024) Remote Sensing of Environment, 313 p.114376-114376
Artikel i tidskriftWildfire impacts on the carbon budget of a managed Nordic boreal forest
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Zhanzhang Cai, Stefan H. Doerr, Claudio Donofrio, et al.
(2024) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 351
Artikel i tidskriftBoreal forest tree growth and sap flow after a low-severity wildfire
Paulina Dukat, Julia Kelly, Stefan Doerr, Johannes Edvardsson, Teemu S. Hölttä, et al.
(2024) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 347
Artikel i tidskriftJoint optimization of land carbon uptake and albedo can help achieve moderate instantaneous and long-term cooling effects
Alexander Graf, Georg Wohlfahrt, Sergio Aranda-Barranco, Nicola Arriga, Christian Brümmer, et al.
(2023) Communications Earth and Environment, 4
Artikel i tidskriftTwo-level eddy covariance measurements reduce bias in land-atmosphere exchange estimates over a heterogeneous boreal forest landscape
Anne Klosterhalfen, Jinshu Chi, Natascha Kljun, Anders Lindroth, Hjalmar Laudon, et al.
(2023) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 339
Artikel i tidskriftClarifying the carbon balance recovery time after clear-cutting
Anders Lindroth
(2023) Global Change Biology, 29 p.4178-4179
Artikel i tidskriftEstimating local-scale forest GPP in Northern Europe using Sentinel-2 : Model comparisons with LUE, APAR, the plant phenology index, and a light response function
Sofia Junttila, Jonas Ardö, Zhanzhang Cai, Hongxiao Jin, Natascha Kljun, et al.
(2023) Science of Remote Sensing, 7
Artikel i tidskrift”Den svenska skogen är underutnyttjad”
Johan Berhin, Markus Steen, Timo Pukkala, Pi Ekblom, Ulrika Stenkula, et al.
(2023) Svenska Dagbladet Debatt
TidningsartikelSveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
TidningsartikelSpatial Variability of Albedo and Net Radiation at Local Scale Using UAV Equipped with Radiation Sensors
Anders Lindroth
(2023) Drones, 7
Artikel i tidskriftDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
TidningsartikelCO2 and CH4 exchanges between moist moss tundra and atmosphere on Kapp Linné, Svalbard
Anders Lindroth, Norbert Pirk, Ingibjörg S. Jónsdóttir, Christian Stiegler, Leif Klemedtsson, et al.
(2022) Biogeosciences, 19 p.3921-3934
Artikel i tidskriftImpacts of stump harvesting on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide fluxes
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, N Kljun, Zhanzhang Cai, Abdulghani Hasan, et al.
(2022) iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 15 p.148-162
Artikel i tidskriftGlobal transpiration data from sap flow measurements : The SAPFLUXNET database
Rafael Poyatos, Fredrik Lagergren, Maj Lena Linderson, Anders Lindroth, Meelis Mölder, et al.
(2021) Earth System Science Data, 13 p.2607-2649
Artikel i tidskriftBoreal forest soil carbon fluxes one year after a wildfire : Effects of burn severity and management
Julia Kelly, Theresa S. Ibáñez, Cristina Santín, Stefan H. Doerr, Marie Charlotte Nilsson, et al.
(2021) Global Change Biology, 27 p.4181-4195
Artikel i tidskriftPåståendet om äldre skogar baseras på en föråldrad hypotes
Marie Appelstrand, Anders Lindroth, Ola Olsson, Markku Rummukainen, Henrik G. Smith
(2021) Dagens nyheter (DN debatt)
TidningsartikelAccounting for all territorial emissions and sinks is important for development of climate mitigation policies
Anders Lindroth, Lars Tranvik
(2021) Carbon Balance and Management, 16
Artikel i tidskriftEffects of drought and meteorological forcing on carbon and water fluxes in Nordic forests during the dry summer of 2018
Anders Lindroth, Jutta Holst, Maj-lena Linderson, Mika Aurela, Tobias Biermann, et al.
(2020) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 375 p.20190516-20190516
Artikel i tidskriftImpacts of Clear-Cutting of a Boreal Forest on Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, Natascha Kljun, Zhanzhang Cai, Abdulghani Hasan, et al.
(2020) Forests, 11 p.961-961
Artikel i tidskriftThe Net Landscape Carbon Balance—Integrating terrestrial and aquatic carbon fluxes in a managed boreal forest landscape in Sweden
Jinshu Chi, Mats B. Nilsson, Hjalmar Laudon, Anders Lindroth, Jörgen Wallerman, et al.
(2020) Global Change Biology, 26 p.2353-2367
Artikel i tidskriftIncreasing contribution of peatlands to boreal evapotranspiration in a warming climate
Manuel Helbig, Michal Heliasz, Anders Lindroth, Vyacheslav Zyrianov
(2020) Nature Climate Change
Artikel i tidskriftThe biophysical climate mitigation potential of boreal peatlands during the growing season
Manuel Helbig, Michal Heliasz, Anders Lindroth, Christopher Schulze
(2020) Environmental Research Letters, 15
Artikel i tidskriftCovariations between plant functional traits emerge from constraining parameterization of a terrestrial biosphere model
Marc Peaucelle, Cédric Bacour, Philippe Ciais, Nicolas Vuichard, Sylvain Kuppel, et al.
(2019) Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28 p.1351-1365
Artikel i tidskriftTime shift between net and gross CO2 uptake and growth derived from tree rings in pine and spruce
Fredrik Lagergren, Anna Maria Jönsson, Hans Linderson, Anders Lindroth
(2019) Trees - Structure and Function, 3 p.765-776
Artikel i tidskriftTowards long-Term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems : A review
Daniela Franz, Manuel Acosta, Núria Altimir, Nicola Arriga, Dominique Arrouays, et al.
(2018) International Agrophysics, 32 p.439-455
Artikel i tidskriftStandardisation of chamber technique for CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes measurements from terrestrial ecosystems
Marian Pavelka, Manuel Acosta, Ralf Kiese, Núria Altimir, Christian Brümmer, et al.
(2018) International Agrophysics, 32 p.569-587
Artikel i tidskriftStandardisation of eddy-covariance flux measurements of methane and nitrous oxide
Eiko Nemitz, Ivan Mammarella, Andreas Ibrom, Mika Aurela, George G. Burba, et al.
(2018) International Agrophysics, 32 p.517-549
Artikel i tidskriftQuantifying the effect of forest age in annual net forest carbon balance
Simon Besnard, Nuno Carvalhais, M. Altaf Arain, Andrew Black, Sytze De Bruin, et al.
(2018) Environmental Research Letters, 13
Artikel i tidskriftEffects of low thinning on carbon dioxide fluxes in a mixed hemiboreal forest
Anders Lindroth, Jutta Holst, Michal Heliasz, Patrik Vestin, Fredrik Lagergren, et al.
(2018) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 262 p.59-70
Artikel i tidskriftPrediction of photosynthesis in Scots pine ecosystems across Europe by a needle-level theory
Pertti Hari, Steffen Noe, Sigrid Dengel, Jan Elbers, Bert Gielen, et al.
(2018) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18 p.13321-13328
Artikel i tidskriftVerification of a One-Dimensional Model of CO2 Atmospheric Transport Inside and Above a Forest Canopy Using Observations at the Norunda Research Station
Ivan Kovalets, Rodolfo Avila, Meelis Mölder, Sophia Kovalets, Anders Lindroth
(2018) Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 168 p.103-126
Artikel i tidskriftMethane and carbon dioxide fluxes over a lake : Comparison between eddy covariance, floating chambers and boundary layer method
Kukka Maaria Erkkilä, Anne Ojala, David Bastviken, Tobias Biermann, Jouni Heiskanen, et al.
(2018) Biogeosciences, 15 p.429-445
Artikel i tidskriftImpact of CO2 storage flux sampling uncertainty on net ecosystem exchange measured by eddy covariance
Giacomo Nicolini, Marc Aubinet, Christian Feigenwinter, Bernard Heinesch, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2018) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 248 p.228-239
Artikel i tidskriftICOS eddy covariance flux-station site setup : A review
Corinna Rebmann, Marc Aubinet, Hape Schmid, Nicola Arriga, Mika Aurela, et al.
(2018) International Agrophysics, 32 p.471-494
Artikel i tidskriftSurface energy exchange in pristine and managed boreal peatlands
Pavel Alekseychik, I. Mammarella, A. Lindroth, A. Lohila, M. Aurela, et al.
(2018) Mires and Peat, 21
Artikel i tidskriftEarly snowmelt significantly enhances boreal springtime carbon uptake
Jouni Pulliainen, Mika Aurela, Tuomas Laurila, Tuula Aalto, Matias Takala, et al.
(2017) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114 p.11081-11086
Artikel i tidskriftStubbskörd och markens koldioxidbalans
Kristina Mjöfors, Monika Strömgren, Achim Grelle, David Hadden, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2017) Stubbskörd - hur påverkas klimat och miljö? , p.35-37
RapportStump harvesting can affect the emissions of methane and nitrous oxide
Anders Lindroth, Patrik Vestin, Monika Strömgren
(2017) Stump Harvesting : Impact on Climate and Environment , p.38-42
RapportHur påverkas lustgas- och metanavgivning av stubbskörd?
Anders Lindroth, Patrik Vestin, Monika Strömgren
(2017) Stubbskörd - hur påverkas klimat och miljö? , p.39-41
RapportStump harvesting and the soil/atmosphere exchange of CO2
Kristina Mjöfors, Monika Strömgren, Achim Grelle, David Hadden, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2017) Stump Harvesting : Impacts on Climate and Environment , p.33-37
RapportCalibration and validation of a semi-empirical flux ecosystem model for coniferous forests in the Boreal region
F. Minunno, M. Peltoniemi, S. Launiainen, M. Aurela, A. Lindroth, et al.
(2016) Ecological Modelling, 341 p.37-52
Artikel i tidskriftDo the energy fluxes and surface conductance of boreal coniferous forests in Europe scale with leaf area?
Samuli Launiainen, Gabriel G. Katul, Pasi Kolari, Anders Lindroth, Annalea Lohila, et al.
(2016) Global Change Biology, 22 p.4096-4113
Artikel i tidskriftTwo years with extreme and little snowfall : Effects on energy partitioning and surface energy exchange in a high-Arctic tundra ecosystem
Christian Stiegler, Magnus Lund, Torben Christensen, Mikhail Mastepanov, Anders Lindroth
(2016) Cryosphere, 10 p.1395-1413
Artikel i tidskriftAssessment and simulation of global terrestrial latent heat flux by synthesis of CMIP5 climate models and surface eddy covariance observations
Yunjun Yao, Shunlin Liang, Xianglan Li, Shaomin Liu, Jiquan Chen, et al.
(2016) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 223 p.151-167
Artikel i tidskriftTundra permafrost thaw causes significant shifts in energy partitioning
Christian Stiegler, Margareta Johansson, Torben Christensen, Mikhail Mastepanov, Anders Lindroth
(2016) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 68
Artikel i tidskriftContinuous multi-plot measurements of CO2, CH4, N2O and H2O in a managed boreal forest : the importance of accounting for all greenhouse gases
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, Elin Sundqvist, Anders Båth, Irene Lehner, et al.
Konferensbidrag: abstractStudying the spatial variability of methane flux with five eddy covariance towers of varying height
O. Peltola, A. Hensen, L. Belelli Marchesini, C. Helfter, F. C. Bosveld, et al.
(2015) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214 p.456-472
Artikel i tidskriftThe importance of micrometeorological variations for photosynthesis and transpiration in a boreal coniferous forest
Guy Schurgers, Fredrik Lagergren, Meelis Mölder, Anders Lindroth
(2015) Biogeosciences, 12 p.237-256
Artikel i tidskriftInterpreting canopy development and physiology using a European phenology camera network at flux sites
L. Wingate, J. Ogee, E. Cremonese, G. Filippa, T. Mizunuma, et al.
(2015) Biogeosciences, 12 p.5995-6015
Artikel i tidskriftUpscaling of methane exchange in a boreal forest using soil chamber measurements and high-resolution LiDAR elevation data
Elin Sundqvist, Andreas Persson, Natascha Kljun, Patrik Vestin, L. Chasmer, et al.
(2015) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 214 p.393-401
Artikel i tidskriftMethane exchange in a boreal forest estimated by gradient method
Elin Sundqvist, Meelis Mölder, Patrick Crill, Natascha Kljun, Anders Lindroth
(2015) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 67
Artikel i tidskriftDifferentiating moss from higher plants is critical in studying the carbon cycle of the boreal biome.
Wenping Yuan, Shuguang Liu, Wenjie Dong, Shunlin Liang, Shuqing Zhao, et al.
(2014) Nature Communications, 5
Artikel i tidskriftA 12-year record reveals pre-growing season temperature and water table level threshold effects on the net carbon dioxide exchange in a boreal fen
Matthias Peichl, Mats Oquist, Mikaell Ottosson Lofvenius, Ulrik Ilstedt, Jorgen Sagerfors, et al.
(2014) Environmental Research Letters, 9
Artikel i tidskriftEvaluating the performance of commonly used gas analysers for methane eddy covariance flux measurements: the InGOS inter-comparison field experiment
O. Peltola, A. Hensen, C. Helfter, L. Belelli Marchesini, F. C. Bosveld, et al.
(2014) Biogeosciences, 11 p.3163-3186
Artikel i tidskriftCO2-induced terrestrial climate feedback mechanism: From carbon sink to aerosol source and back
Markku Kulmala, Tuomo Nieminen, Anna Nikandrova, Katrianne Lehtipalo, Hanna E. Manninen, et al.
(2014) Boreal Environment Research: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 19 p.122-131
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of floating chamber and eddy covariance measurements of lake greenhouse gas fluxes
E. Podgrajsek, E. Sahlee, D. Bastviken, Jutta Holst, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2014) Biogeosciences, 11 p.4225-4233
Artikel i tidskriftShort-term effects of thinning, clear-cutting and stump harvesting on methane exchange in a boreal forest
Elin Sundqvist, Patrik Vestin, Patrick Crill, Tryggve Persson, Anders Lindroth
(2014) Biogeosciences, 11 p.6095-6105
Artikel i tidskriftLatent heat exchange in the boreal and arctic biomes
Ville Kasurinen, Knut Alfredsen, Pasi Kolari, Ivan Mammarella, Pavel Alekseychik, et al.
(2014) Global Change Biology, 20 p.3439-3456
Artikel i tidskriftThe Full Annual Carbon Balance of Boreal Forests Is Highly Sensitive to Precipitation
M. G. Oquist, K. Bishop, A. Grelle, L. Klemedtsson, S. J. Kohler, et al.
(2014) Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 1 p.315-319
Artikel i tidskriftEstimation of winter leaf area index and sky view fraction for snow modelling in boreal coniferous forests: consequences on snow mass and energy balance
Sirpa Rasmus, David Gustafsson, Harri Koivusalo, Ari Laurén, Achim Grelle, et al.
(2013) Hydrological Processes, 27 p.2876-2891
Artikel i tidskriftEnergy exchange and water budget partitioning in a boreal minerogenic mire
Matthias Peichl, Jorgen Sagerfors, Anders Lindroth, Ishi Buffam, Achim Grelle, et al.
(2013) Journal of Geophysical Research, 118 p.1-13
Artikel i tidskriftA fertile peatland forest does not constitute a major greenhouse gas sink
A. Meyer, L. Tarvainen, A. Nousratpour, R. G. Bjork, M. Ernfors, et al.
(2013) Biogeosciences, 10 p.7739-7758
Artikel i tidskriftSoil surface CO2 efflux measurements in Norway spruce forests: Comparison between four different sites across Europe - from boreal to alpine forest
Manuel Acosta, Marian Pavelka, Leonardo Montagnani, Werner Kutsch, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2013) Geoderma, 192 p.295-303
Artikel i tidskriftTowards a full greenhouse gas budget at a clear-cut and stump harvested boreal forest site in Sweden
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, Elin Sundqvist, Margareta Hellström, Anders Båth, et al.
(2012) Geophysical Research Abstracts, 14
Konferensbidrag: abstractModelling Regional Surface Energy Exchange and Boundary Layer Development in Boreal Sweden - Comparison of Mesoscale Model (RAMS) Simulations with Aircraft and Tower Observations
Elena Kvon, Janno Tuulik, Meelis Mölder, Anders Lindroth
(2012) Atmosphere, 3 p.537-556
Artikel i tidskriftModeling GPP in the Nordic forest landscape with MODIS time series data - comparison with the MODIS GPP product
Per Schubert, Fredrik Lagergren, Mika Aurela, Torben Christensen, Achim Grelle, et al.
(2012) Remote Sensing of Environment, 126 p.136-147
Artikel i tidskriftLand-atmosphere exchange of methane from soil thawing to soil freezing in a high-Arctic wet tundra ecosystem
Torbern Tagesson, Meelis Mölder, Mikhail Mastepanov, Charlotte Sigsgaard, Mikkel P. Tamstorf, et al.
(2012) Global Change Biology, 18 p.1928-1940
Artikel i tidskriftUp-scaling of water use efficiency from leaf to canopy as based on leaf gas exchange relationships and the modeled in-canopy light distribution
Maj-Lena Linderson, Teis N Mikkelsen, Andreas Ibrom, Anders Lindroth, Kim Pilegaard
(2012) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 152 p.201-211
Artikel i tidskriftEffects of drought conditions on the carbon dioxide dynamics in a temperate peatland
Magnus Lund, Torben Christensen, Anders Lindroth, Per Schubert
(2012) Environmental Research Letters, 7
Artikel i tidskriftThermal optimality of net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide and underlying mechanisms.
Shuli Niu, Yiqi Luo, Shenfeng Fei, Wenping Yuan, David Schimel, et al.
(2012) New Phytologist, 194 p.775-783
Artikel i tidskriftAtmospheric methane removal by boreal plants
Elin Sundqvist, Patrick Crill, Meelis Mölder, Patrik Vestin, Anders Lindroth
(2012) Geophysical Research Letters, 39 p.21806-21812
Artikel i tidskriftAssessing parameter variability in a photosynthesis model within and between plant functional types using global Fluxnet eddy covariance data
M. Groenendijk, A. J. Dolman, M. K. van der Molen, R. Leuning, Almut Arneth, et al.
(2011) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 151 p.22-38
Artikel i tidskriftRedefinition and global estimation of basal ecosystem respiration rate
Wenping Yuan, Yiqi Luo, Xianglan Li, Shuguang Liu, Guirui Yu, et al.
(2011) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25
Artikel i tidskriftSignificant emissions of methane and nitrous oxide following clear-cutting of a boreal forest stand
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, Elin Sundqvist, Margareta Hellström, Anders Båth, et al.
(2011) [Publication information missing]
Konferensbidrag: abstractQuantification of C uptake in subarctic birch forest after setback by an extreme insect outbreak
Michal Heliasz, Torbjörn Johansson, Anders Lindroth, Meelis Mölder, Mikhail Mastepanov, et al.
(2011) Geophysical Research Letters, 38
Artikel i tidskriftWaterlogging after clear-cutting turns boreal forest soils into sources of methane
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, Margareta Hellström, Elin Sundqvist, Leif Klemedtsson, et al.
(2011) [Publication information missing]
Konferensbidrag: abstractInitial effects of stump harvesting on greenhouse gas fluxes and nitrogen leaching
Patrik Vestin, Meelis Mölder, Margareta Hellström, Tomas Karlsson, Elin Sundqvist, et al.
(2011) [Publication information missing]
Konferensbidrag: abstractGlobal patterns of land-atmosphere fluxes of carbon dioxide, latent heat, and sensible heat derived from eddy covariance, satellite, and meteorological observations
Martin Jung, Markus Reichstein, Hank A. Margolis, Alessandro Cescatti, Andrew D. Richardson, et al.
(2011) Journal of Geophysical Research, 116 p.00-07
Artikel i tidskriftThermal adaptation of net ecosystem exchange
W. Yuan, Y. Luo, S. Liang, G. Yu, S. Niu, et al.
(2011) Biogeosciences, 8 p.1453-1463
Artikel i tidskriftDirect advection measurements do not help to solve the night-time CO2 closure problem: Evidence from three different forests
M. Aubinet, C. Feigenwinter, B. Heinesch, C. Bernhofer, E. Canepa, et al.
(2010) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150 p.655-664
Artikel i tidskriftTerrestrial Gross Carbon Dioxide Uptake: Global Distribution and Covariation with Climate
Christian Beer, Markus Reichstein, Enrico Tomelleri, Philippe Ciais, Martin Jung, et al.
(2010) Science, 329 p.834-838
Artikel i tidskriftPast, Present, and Future Controls on Levels of Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Global Environment
Luca Nizzetto, Matthew Macleod, Katrine Borga, Ana Cabrerizo, Jordi Dachs, et al.
(2010) Environmental Science & Technology, 44 p.6526-6531
Artikel i tidskriftStorm effects on net ecosystem productivity in boreal forests
Patrik Vestin, Achim Grelle, Fredrik Lagergren, Margareta Hellström, Ola Langvall, et al.
(2010) Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12
Konferensbidrag: abstractVariability in exchange of CO2 across 12 northern peatland and tundra sites
Magnus Lund, Peter M. Lafleur, Nigel T. Roulet, Anders Lindroth, Torben Christensen, et al.
(2010) Global Change Biology, 16 p.2436-2448
Artikel i tidskriftSpatiotemporal evolution of CO2 concentration, temperature, and wind field during stable nights at the Norunda forest site
Christian Feigenwinter, Meelis Mölder, Anders Lindroth, Marc Aubinet
(2010) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150 p.692-701
Artikel i tidskriftClimate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents
Chuixiang Yi, Daniel Ricciuto, Runze Li, John Wolbeck, Xiyan Xu, et al.
(2010) Environmental Research Letters, 5
Artikel i tidskriftAssimilation exceeds respiration sensitivity to drought: A FLUXNET synthesis
Christopher R. Schwalm, Christopher A. Williams, Kevin Schaefer, Almut Arneth, Damien Bonal, et al.
(2010) Global Change Biology, 16 p.657-670
Artikel i tidskriftHeat storage in forest biomass improves energy balance closure
Anders Lindroth, Meelis Mölder, Fredrik Lagergren
(2010) Biogeosciences, 7 p.301-313
Artikel i tidskriftSpring initiation and autumn cessation of boreal coniferous forest CO2 exchange assessed by meteorological and biological variables
T. Thum, T. Aalto, T. Laurila, M. Aurela, J. Hatakka, et al.
(2009) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 61 p.701-717
Artikel i tidskriftStorms can cause Europe-wide reduction in forest carbon sink
Anders Lindroth, Fredrik Lagergren, Achim Grelle, Leif Klemedtsson, Ola Langvall, et al.
(2009) Global Change Biology, 15 p.346-355
Artikel i tidskriftA young afforestation area in Iceland was a moderate sink to CO2 only a decade after scarification and establishment
Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, B. D. Sigurdsson, Anders Lindroth
(2009) Biogeosciences, 6 p.2895-2906
Artikel i tidskriftEffects of N and P fertilization on the greenhouse gas exchange in two northern peatlands with contrasting N deposition rates
Magnus Lund, Torben Christensen, Mikhail Mastepanov, Anders Lindroth, Lena Ström
(2009) Biogeosciences, 6 p.2135-2144
Artikel i tidskriftA new mass conservation approach to the study of CO2 advection in an alpine forest
Leonardo Montagnani, Giovanni Manca, Elisa Canepa, Emilia Georgieva, Manuel Acosta, et al.
(2009) Journal of Geophysical Research, 114
Artikel i tidskriftApplicability of leaf area index products for boreal regions of Sweden
Torbern Tagesson, Lars Eklundh, Anders Lindroth
(2009) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 p.5619-5632
Artikel i tidskriftEstimating Net Primary Production of Swedish Forest Landscapes by Combining Mechanistic Modeling and Remote Sensing
Torbern Tagesson, Benjamin Smith, Anders Lofgren, Anja Rammig, Lars Eklundh, et al.
(2009) Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment, 38 p.316-324
Artikel i tidskriftUse of Depuration Compounds in Passive Air Samplers: Results from Active Sampling-Supported Field Deployment, Potential Uses, and Recommendations
Claudia Moeckel, Tom Harner, Luca Nizzetto, Bo Strandberg, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2009) Environmental Science & Technology, 43 p.3227-3232
Artikel i tidskriftAvailable energy and energy balance closure at four coniferous forest sites across Europe
Uta Moderow, Marc Aubinet, Christian Feigenwinter, Olaf Kolle, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2009) Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 98 p.397-412
Artikel i tidskriftAir-Boreal Forest Transfer and Processing of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Claudia Moeckel, Luca Nizzetto, Bo Strandberg, Anders Lindroth, Kevin C. Jones
(2009) Environmental Science & Technology, 43 p.5282-5289
Artikel i tidskriftBayesian calibration of a model describing carbon, water and heat fluxes for a Swedish boreal forest stand
Magnus Svensson, Per-Erik Jansson, David Gustafsson, Dan Berggren Kleja, Ola Langvall, et al.
(2008) Ecological Modelling, 213 p.331-344
Artikel i tidskriftBiophysical controls on CO2 fluxes of three Northern forets based on long-term eddy covariance data.
Fredrik Lagergren, Anders Lindroth, E Dellwik, A Ibrom, Harry Lankreijer, et al.
(2008) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 60 p.143-152
Artikel i tidskriftCO2 and H2O fluxes at the floor of a boreal forest by different methods
L Kulmala, S Launiainen, J Pumpanen, Harry Lankreijer, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2008) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 60
Artikel i tidskriftH2O and CO2 fluxes at the floor of a boreal pine forest
Liisa Kulmala, Samuli Launiainen, Jukka Pumpanen, Harry Lankreijer, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2008) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 60 p.167-178
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of horizontal and vertical advective CO2 fluxes at three forest sites
Christian Feigenwinter, Christian Bernhofer, Uwe Eichelmann, Bernard Heinesch, Martin Hertel, et al.
(2008) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148 p.12-24
Artikel i tidskriftTowards operational remote sensing of forest carbon balance across Northern Europe
Pontus Olofsson, Fredrik Lagergren, Anders Lindroth, Johan Lindström, Leif Klemedtsson, et al.
(2008) Biogeosciences, 5 p.817-832
Artikel i tidskriftGas transfer rate and CO2 flux between an unproductive lake and the atmosphere in northern Sweden
A. Jonsson, J. Aberg, Anders Lindroth, M. Jansson
(2008) Journal of Geophysical Research, 113
Artikel i tidskriftContemporary carbon accumulation in a boreal oligotrophic minerogenic mire - a significant sink after accounting for all C-fluxes
Mats Nilsson, Joergen Sagerfors, Ishi Buffam, Hjalmar Laudon, Tobias Eriksson, et al.
(2008) Global Change Biology, 14 p.2317-2332
Artikel i tidskriftNet carbon dioxide losses of northern ecosystems in response to autumn warming
Shilong Piao, Philippe Ciais, Pierre Friedlingstein, Philippe Peylin, Markus Reichstein, et al.
(2008) Nature, 451 p.3-49
Artikel i tidskriftLeaf area index is the principal scaling parameter for both gross photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration of Northern deciduous and coniferous forests
Anders Lindroth, Fredrik Lagergren, Mika Aurela, Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, Torben Christensen, et al.
(2008) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 60 p.129-142
Artikel i tidskriftBayesian calibration method used to elucidate carbon turnover in forest on drained organic soil
Leif Klemedtsson, Per-Erik Jansson, David Gustafsson, Louise Karlberg, Per Weslien, et al.
(2008) Biogeochemistry, 89 p.61-79
Artikel i tidskriftEcologically implausible carbon response? Reply
Federico Magnani, Maurizio Mencuccini, Marco Borghetti, Frank Berninger, Sylvain Delzon, et al.
(2008) Nature, 451 p.3-4
Artikel i tidskriftMeasurement of net ecosystem exchange, productivity and respiration in three spruce forests in Sweden shows unexpectedly large soil carbon losses
Anders Lindroth, Leif Klemedtsson, Achim Grelle, Per Weslien, Ola Langvall
(2008) Biogeochemistry, 89 p.43-60
Artikel i tidskriftDeveloping an empirical model of stand GPP with the LUE approach: analysis of eddy covariance data at five contrasting conifer sites in Europe
Annikki Makela, Minna Pulkkinen, Pasi Kolari, Fredrik Lagergren, Paul Berbigier, et al.
(2008) Global Change Biology, 14 p.92-108
Artikel i tidskriftAssessing seasonality of biochemical CO2 exchange model parameters from micrometeorological flux observations at boreal coniferous forest
T. Thum, T. Aalto, T. Laurila, M. Aurela, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2008) Biogeosciences, 5 p.1625-1639
Artikel i tidskriftPools and fluxes of carbon in three Norway spruce ecosystems along a climatic gradient in Sweden
Dan Berggren Kleja, Magnus Svensson, Hooshang Majdi, Per-Erik Jansson, Ola Langvall, et al.
(2008) Biogeochemistry, 89 p.7-25
Artikel i tidskriftAnnual CO2 exchange between a nutrient-poor, minerotrophic, boreal mire and the atmosphere
J Sagerfors, Anders Lindroth, A Grelle, L Klemedtsson, P Weslien, et al.
(2008) Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 113
Artikel i tidskriftThinning effects on pine-spruce forest transpiration in central Sweden
Fredrik Lagergren, Harry Lankreijer, Jiri Kucera, Emil Cienciala, Meelis Mölder, et al.
(2008) Forest Ecology and Management, 255 p.2312-2323
Artikel i tidskriftVertical variability and effect of stability on turbulence characteristics down to the forest floor of a pine forest.
S Launiainen, T Vesala, Meelis Mölder, I Mammarella, S Smolander, et al.
(2007) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 p.919-936
Artikel i tidskriftEstimate of annual carbon balance of a young Siberian larch (Larix sibirica) plantation in Iceland
Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, B Sigurdsson, Anders Lindroth
(2007) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 p.891-899
Artikel i tidskriftA catchment-scale carbon and greenhouse gas budget of a subartic landscape
Torben Christensen, Torbjörn Johansson, Maria Olsrud, Lena Ström, Anders Lindroth, et al.
(2007) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science, 365 p.1643-1656
Artikel i tidskriftThe human footprint in the carbon cycle of temperate and boreal forests
F Magnani, M Mencuccini, M Borghetti, P Berbigier, F Berninger, et al.
(2007) Nature Photonics, 447 p.848-850
Artikel i tidskriftCO2 balance of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests derived from a global database
S. Luyssaert, I. Inglima, M. Jung, A. D. Richardson, M. Reichsteins, et al.
(2007) Global Change Biology, 13 p.2509-2537
Artikel i tidskriftDeterminants of terrestrial ecosystem carbon balance inferred from European eddy covariance flux sites
Markus Reichstein, Dario Papale, Riccardo Valentini, Marc Aubinet, Christian Bernhofer, et al.
(2007) Geophysical Research Letters, 34
Artikel i tidskriftTowards operational remote sensing of forest carbon balance across Northern Europe
Pontus Olofsson, Fredrik Lagergren, Anders Lindroth, Johan Lindström, Leif Klemedtsson, et al.
(2007) Biogeosciences Discussions, 4 p.3143-3193
Artikel i tidskriftEnvironmental controls on the CO2 exchange in north Europea mires
Anders Lindroth, Magnus Lund, M Nilsson, M Aurela, Torben Christensen, et al.
(2007) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 p.812-825
Artikel i tidskriftHigh soil carbon efflux rates in several ecosystems in southern Sweden
Torbern Tagesson, Anders Lindroth
(2007) Boreal Environment Research: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 12 p.65-80
Artikel i tidskriftPools and fluxes of carbon in three Norway spruce stands along a climatic gradient in Sweden
D Berggren Kleja, M Svensson, H Majdi, PE Jansson, O Langvall, et al.
(2007) Biogeochemistry
Artikel i tidskriftThe likely impact of elevated CO2, nitrogen deposition, increased temperature, and management on carbon sequestration in temperate and boreal forest ecosystems. A literature review
R Hyvönen, GI Ågren, S Linder, T Persson, F Cotrufo, et al.
(2007) New Phytologist, 173 p.463-480
Artikel i tidskriftThe effect of water availability on stand-level productivity, transpiration, water use efficiency and radiation use efficiency of field-grown willow clones
Maj-Lena Linderson, Zinaida Iritz, Anders Lindroth
(2007) Biomass & Bioenergy, 31 p.460-468
Artikel i tidskriftEkosystem och klimat. Så påverkar de varandra.
Anders Lindroth
(2007) Nordforsk Magasin, 1 p.6-10
Artikel i tidskriftNordiskt centrum för klimatrelaterad forskning: Så påverkar ekosystem och klimat varandra.
Anders Lindroth
(2007) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, 4 p.30-31
Artikel i tidskriftEvidence for soil water control on carbon and water dynamics in European forests during the extremely dry year: 2003
A. Granier, M. Reichstein, N. Bréda, I. A. Janssens, E. Falge, et al.
(2007) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 143 p.123-145
Artikel i tidskriftGlobal patterns in forest CO2-balance – An analysis based on a new global database
S Luyssaert, I Inglima, M Jung, M Reichstein, D Papale, et al.
(2007) Global Change Biology, 13 p.1-29
Artikel i tidskriftAnnual CO2 balance of a temperate bog
Magnus Lund, Anders Lindroth, Torben Christensen, Lena Ström
(2007) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 p.804-811
Artikel i tidskriftBayesian calibration of a model describing carbon, water and heta fluxes for a Swedish boreal forest stand
M Svensson, PE Jansson, D Gustafsson, D Berggren Kleja, O Langvall, et al.
(2007) Biogeochemistry
Artikel i tidskriftLarge carbon-sink potential by Kyoto forests in Sweden – a case study on willow plantations.
A Grelle, P Aronsson, P weslien, L Klemedtsson, Anders Lindroth
(2007) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 p.910-918
Artikel i tidskriftEstimating Net Primary Production for Scandinavian forests using data from Terra/MODIS
Pontus Olofsson, Lars Eklundh, Fredrik Lagergren, Per Jönsson, Anders Lindroth
(2007) Advances in Space Research, 39 p.125-130
Artikel i tidskriftForeword
Anders Lindroth
(2007) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 p.787-787
Artikel i tidskriftEffekter av gallring på transpiration och kolupptag i en typisk svensk blandskog
Fredrik Lagergren, Anders Lindroth, Meelis Mölder, Harry Lankreijer
(2006) Fakta Skog
RapportCurrent carbon balance of the forested area in Sweden and its sensitivity to global change as simulated by Biome-BGC
Fredrik Lagergren, Achim Grelle, Harry Lankreijer, Meelis Mölder, Anders Lindroth
(2006) Ecosystems, 9 p.894-908
Artikel i tidskriftEstimating LAI in deciduous forest stands
Helena Eriksson, Lars Eklundh, Karin Hall, Anders Lindroth
(2005) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 129 p.27-37
Artikel i tidskriftThe Nordic Centre for studies of Ecosystem Carbon Exchange (NECC). Spetsforskning om ‘Global Change’ I Nordisk samverkan.
Anders Lindroth
(2005) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, 5-6 p.24-24
Artikel i tidskriftNet primary production and light use efficiency in a mixed coniferous forest in Sweden
Fredrik Lagergren, Lars Eklundh, A Grelle, M Lundblad, Meelis Mölder, et al.
(2005) Plant, Cell and Environment, 28 p.412-423
Artikel i tidskriftGudrun - en kolbomb
Anders Lindroth, A Grelle, O Langvall, Fredrik Lagergren, P Weslien, et al.
(2005) Miljöforskning : Formas tidning för ett uthålligt samhälle, 5-6 p.22-24
Artikel i tidskriftComparison of different chamber techniques for measuring soil CO2 efflux
J Pumpanen, P Kolari, H Ilvesniemi, K Minkkinen, T Vesala, et al.
(2004) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 123 p.159-176
Artikel i tidskriftComparison between tower and aircraft-based eddy covariance fluxes in five European regions
B Gioli, F Miglietta, B De Martino, RWA Hutjes, HAJ Dolman, et al.
(2004) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 127 p.1-16
Artikel i tidskriftMethodological options for quantifying changes in carbon pools in Swedish forests
G Ståhl, B Boström, H Lindkvist, Anders Lindroth, J Nilsson, et al.
(2004) Studia Forestalia Suecia, 214 p.1-46
Artikel i tidskriftVariation in sapflow and stem growth in relation to tree size, competition and thinning in a mixed forest of pine and spruce in Sweden
Fredrik Lagergren, Anders Lindroth
(2004) Forest Ecology and Management, 188 p.51-63
Artikel i tidskriftTurbulence characteristics and dispersion in a forest - tests of Thomson's random-flight model
Meelis Mölder, L Klemedtsson, Anders Lindroth
(2004) Flux and Concentration Footprints (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology), 127 p.203-222
KonferensbidragA calibration system for soil carbon dioxide efflux measurement chambers: Description and application
B Widen, Anders Lindroth
(2003) Soil Science Society of America Journal, 67 p.327-334
Artikel i tidskriftAir temperature triggers the recovery of evergreen boreal forest photosynthesis in spring
S Tanja, F Berninger, T Vesala, T Markkanen, P Hari, et al.
(2003) Global Change Biology, 9 p.1410-1426
Artikel i tidskriftBoreal forest surface parameterization in the ECMWF model - 1D test with NOPEX long-term data
D Gustafsson, E Lewan, BJJM van den Hurk, P Viterbo, A Grelle, et al.
(2003) Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42 p.95-112
Artikel i tidskriftKlimatprofessorn
Anders Lindroth
(2003) Kemivärlden med kemisk tidskrift, 1 p.23-24
Artikel i tidskriftSkogars kolbalans
Anders Lindroth, A Grelle
(2002) [Publication information missing]
TidningsartikelCO2-budget i et ekspanderede bymiljø på tværs af Øresund.
Henrik Søgaard, Anders Lindroth, Niels O. Jensen, Stefan Anderberg
(2002) På jakt efter Öresundsregionen - tankar och slutsatser från ett mångvetenskapligt forskningsprogram , p.77-88
Del av eller Kapitel i bokTranspiration response to soil moisture in pine and spruce trees in Sweden
Fredrik Lagergren, Anders Lindroth
(2002) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 112 p.67-85
Artikel i tidskriftEnergy partitioning between latent and sensible heat flux during the warm season at FLUXNET sites
K Wilson, D Baldocchi, M Aubinet, P Berbigier, C Bernhofer, et al.
(2002) Water Resources Research, 38 p.12-22
Artikel i tidskriftArea averaging of land surface-atmosphere fluxes in NOPEX: challenges, results and perspectives
SE Gryning, S Halldin, Anders Lindroth
(2002) Boreal Environment Research: An International Interdisciplinary Journal, 7 p.379-387
Artikel i tidskriftStand transpiration and sapflow density in relation to weather, soil moisture and stand characteristics
M Lundblad, Anders Lindroth
(2002) Basic and Applied Ecology, 3 p.229-243
Artikel i tidskrift