Geographical Information Systems, basic course
This course gives you a broad practical and theoretical knowledge for future work with digital geographical data and GIS (Geographical Information Systems).
Course contents
You will learn how to manage, analyse and visualise digital geographical data, and how to use these to solve geographical problems within environmental and planning applications. This applies both in a national and international context. Topics within the GIS technique covered by the course are, among others:
- basic cartography, including map projections and reference systems
- geographical data in digital formats (such as maps, images, tables etc.)
- positioning using GPS
- basic analysis of geographical data in raster and vector formats, and
- cartographic and graphic presentation of digital map data.
The course is given in English, although Swedish students may choose a Swedish course book.
The course consists of lectures, practicals, field exercises, seminars, group work and project work.
Literature English:
Kang-Tsung Chang. (2011). Introduction to Geographic Information Systems. ISBN: 9780071314831.
Exercises and additional literature (sold by the department)
Litteraturlista Svenska:
Harrie, L. (red), 2013, Geografisk informationsbehandling - Teori, metoder & tillämpningar. 6:e omarbetade upplagan, 2013. Studentlitteratur, Lund. ISBN:978914088778
Går även bra med upplaga 5 från 2012.
Övningsdokument & kompletterande kompendier (köpes genom inst)
Course coordinator
Course facts: NGEA31
Level: Basic
Credits: 15 ECTS
Period: Fall, period 1
Language of instruction: English
Prerequisites: General admission requirements and 30 credits scientific studies.
For current students
Canvas learning platform