IT resources
IT information and who to contact
Lab computers
Log on credentials
You will get these from your teachers at the beginning of every course. Did they expire? Contact our IT technician rebecca [dot] anderberg [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Rebecca Anderberg) or our IT responsible Rafael Przybyszewski.
Use our multifunctional printer Terrablack or Terra (pdf, new page), located in Geocentre I, room 217 (second floor, between Altocumulus and Cirrocumulus).
For the sake of the environment and taking care of our budget, please print only necessary items.
Data storage
When logging in to any of our computers, you can access a network drive mapped as U:. It holds a maximum of 15 GB of data. If you need more storage space, please contact your teacher.
We do not back-up our lab computers, but we do back up U: drives at regular intervals.
IT support
INES local support:
Printing, logging on to lab computers, report lab computers in need of service
E-mail itsupport [at] mail [dot] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (INES IT support).
Help using ArcGIS, Matlab, PG Admin, ENVI
Problems installing ArcGIS, or technical questions pertaining to our distance courses
Contact igeon tech: igeon-tech [at] igeon [dot] eu (igeon-tech[at]igeon[dot]eu)
LU wide IT support
IT resources and assistance for students at Lund University (new page)
Lost and found in computer labs
Contact our IT technician rebecca [dot] anderberg [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (Rebecca Anderberg).
Room 219 in Geocenter 2.
Canvas learning platform
University wide information about IT resources at LU
IT resources and assistance for all of Lunds University