Applied GIS
The course is a compulsory course for a Degree of Master (120 credits) in GIS and Remote sensing in the main field of study geomatics, and an elective course for a Degree of Master (120 credits) in Physical geography and Ecosystem sciences.
Course content
The course contains theoretical background for different GIS methods and their application in environment and spatial planning. The theoretical contents of the course includes coordinate systems in plan and height, screens and vector calculus, digital terrain models, 3D-city models, spatial interpolation and multi-criteria analysis
as decision support. The course focuses especially on the use of advanced functions in ArcGIS Pro and ArcPy for data management and spatial analysis. The course contains extensive exercises with applications of GIS in different fields. With realistic case studies, you develop the ability and proficiencies to solve relevant problems with different GIS-applications.
Course design
The teaching consists of lectures, computer exercises, group assignments and a more extensive project work. Participation in all components of the course except lectures is compulsory. The lectures communicate theoretical knowledge, and exercises and group assignments connect to the theory through realistic applications. In each practical exercise, you train your ability to handle relevant data with advanced GIS methods. The course is completed with a larger project work that is carried out in groups.
Course coordinator
Course facts
Level: Advanced
Credits: 15 ECTS
Period: Autumn, period 2
Language of instruction: English
Prerequisites: General admission requirements and English 6/B and at least 90 credits in natural sciences or technology of which at least 15 credits should be in GIS or the equivalent, such as spatial analysis, cartography, geodesy or remote sensing.
Entry to the course also requires NGEN20 Programming for applications in geomatics 15 credits or the equivalent.