Subjects like environment, sustainable development, climate change and ecology are among the most hot topics these days which i am working on.
As a part of the Aquatic Biogeochemistry at INES, I am working mainly on the dissolved organic carbon DOC, in the boreal freshwater and its role in the global carbon cycle. I do both field and lab work. I do many experiments on water including the chemical and biological analyses. I do measurements for e.g. on the bacterial production growth, the fluorescence spectroscopy, and many others. The last field campaign I participated in targeted the river mouths and estuaries along Saltkälle fjord. I have been working recently on studying the Photo-reactivity of the dissolved organic carbon in a big collection of the boreal lakes located North of Riksgränsen. Right now, I am working on the project ''Understanding the role of freshwater respiration in the carbon cycle'' funded by the Swedish Research Council VR trying to investigate the variations of the pelagic respiratory quotient (RQ) in the fresh water marine systems.
I also have a strong background in Geology, Geophysics and Sedimentology. I did work with the stable carbon isotopes C13 to study the Lau Event minor turnover of the Late Silurian. I have worked as hydrologists and in environment sector for many years as well, on topics like water contamination, pumping tests, borehole drilling supervision, tracer tests ..
and I published a paper titled '' The first continuous Delta C13 record across the Late Silurian Lau Event on Gotland, Sweden'' and I am collaborating with other researchers to publish few other papers.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Photochemical reactivity of dissolved organic carbon in subarctic lakes along a color gradient
Hani Younes, Martin Berggren
(2024) Inland Waters
Journal articleCoastal darkening exacerbates eutrophication symptoms through bottom-up and top-down control modification
Aurélie Garnier, Örjan Östman, Jenny Ask, Olivia Bell, Martin Berggren, et al.
(2023) Limnology and Oceanography, 68 p.678-691
Journal articleUnified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems
Martin Berggren, François Guillemette, Magdalena Bieroza, Ishi Buffam, Anne Deininger, et al.
(2022) Ecology, 103
Journal articleThe first continuous δ13C record across the Late Silurian Lau Event on Gotland, Sweden
Hani Younes, Mikael Calner, Oliver Lehnert
(2017) GFF, 139 p.63-69
Journal article