Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Comparison of observation- and inventory-based methane emissions for eight large global emitters
Ana Maria Roxana Petrescu, Glen P. Peters, Richard Engelen, Sander Houweling, Dominik Brunner, et al.
(2024) Earth System Science Data, 16 p.4325-4350
Journal article reviewCarbon and Greenhouse Gas Budgets of Europe : Trends, Interannual and Spatial Variability, and Their Drivers
Ronny Lauerwald, Ana Bastos, Matthew J. McGrath, Ana Maria Roxana Petrescu, François Ritter, et al.
(2024) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38
Journal articleRegional Responses of Vegetation Productivity to the Two Phases of ENSO
Mousong Wu, Fei Jiang, Marko Scholze, Deliang Chen, Weimin Ju, et al.
(2024) Geophysical Research Letters, 51
Journal articleProjected effects of climate change and forest management on carbon fluxes and biomass of a boreal forest
Md Rafikul Islam, Anna Maria Jönsson, John Bergkvist, Fredrik Lagergren, Mats Lindeskog, et al.
(2024) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 349
Journal articleOptimising CH4 simulations from the LPJ-GUESS model v4.1 using an adaptive Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm
Jalisha T. Kallingal, Johan Lindström, Paul A. Miller, Janne Rinne, Maarit Raivonen, et al.
(2024) Geoscientific Model Development, 17 p.2299-2324
Journal articleIntegrated Assessment of Climate Change and Forest Management Impacts on Carbon Fluxes and Biomass in a Southern Boreal Forest
Md. Rafikul Islam, Anna Maria Jönsson, John Bergkvist, Fredrik Lagergren, Mats Lindeskog, et al.
Conference paper: abstractThe Fine Resolution Explorer for Salinity, Carbon and Hydrology (FRESCH) : A Satellite Mission to Study Ocean-Land-Ice Interfaces
Nemesio Rodríguez-Fernández, Tim Rixen, Jacqueline Boutin, Peter Brandt, Chiara Corbari, et al.
(2024) IGARSS 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Proceedings , p.6705-6708
Conference paperModelling carbon recovery time after clear-cutting or fire in boreal forests under changing climate
Md. Rafikul Islam, Anna Maria Jönsson, John Bergkvist, Julia Kelly, Fredrik Lagergren, et al.
Conference paper: abstractTop-Down estimates of Black Carbon emissions in Europe using Inverse modelling
August Thomasson, Pontus Roldin, Guillaume Monteil, Marko Scholze
Conference paper: abstractThe consolidated European synthesis of CO2 emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom : 1990-2020
Matthew J. McGrath, Ana Maria Roxana Petrescu, Philippe Peylin, Robbie M. Andrew, Bradley Matthews, et al.
(2023) Earth System Science Data, 15 p.4295-4370
Journal articleWhy do inverse models disagree? A case study with two European CO2 inversions
Saqr Munassar, Guillaume Monteil, Marko Scholze, Ute Karstens, Christian Rödenbeck, et al.
(2023) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23 p.2813-2828
Journal articleRegional CO2 Inversion Through Ensemble-Based Simultaneous State and Parameter Estimation : TRACE Framework and Controlled Experiments
Hans W. Chen, Fuqing Zhang, Thomas Lauvaux, Marko Scholze, Kenneth J. Davis, et al.
(2023) Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15
Journal articleSoil Moisture Assimilation Improves Terrestrial Biosphere Model GPP Responses to Sub-Annual Drought at Continental Scale
Xiuli Xing, Mousong Wu, Marko Scholze, Thomas Kaminski, Michael Vossbeck, et al.
(2023) Remote Sensing, 15
Journal articleChina's Terrestrial Carbon Sink Over 2010–2015 Constrained by Satellite Observations of Atmospheric CO2 and Land Surface Variables
Wei He, Fei Jiang, Mousong Wu, Weimin Ju, Marko Scholze, et al.
(2022) Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127
Journal articlePaving the Road to Flex and Biomass : The Land Surface Carbon Constellation Study
N. Rodriguez-Fernandez, M. Barbier, J. Verrelst, H. Lindqvist, E. Bueechi, et al.
(2022) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2022-July p.5571-5574
Conference paperAssessing the Impact of Atmospheric CO2 and NO2 Measurements From Space on Estimating City-Scale Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions in a Data Assimilation System
Thomas Kaminski, Marko Scholze, Peter J. Rayner, Sander Houweling, Michael Voßbeck, et al.
(2022) Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 3
Journal articleAssimilation of atmospheric CO2observations from space can support national CO2emission inventories
Thomas Kaminski, Marko Scholze, Peter Rayner, Michael Voßbeck, Michael Buchwitz, et al.
(2022) Environmental Research Letters, 17
Journal articleReconciling the Carbon Balance of Northern Sweden Through Integration of Observations and Modelling
Anusha Sathyanadh, Guillaume Monteil, Marko Scholze, Anne Klosterhalfen, Hjalmar Laudon, et al.
(2021) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126
Journal articleThe Community Inversion Framework v1.0 : A unified system for atmospheric inversion studies
Antoine Berchet, Espen Sollum, Rona L. Thompson, Isabelle Pison, Joël Thanwerdas, et al.
(2021) Geoscientific Model Development, 14 p.5331-5354
Journal articleRegional CO2 inversions with LUMIA, the Lund University modular inversion algorithm, v1.0
Guillaume Monteil, Marko Scholze
(2021) Geoscientific Model Development, 14 p.3383-3406
Journal articleThe consolidated European synthesis of CO2emissions and removals for the European Union and United Kingdom : 1990-2018
Ana Maria Roxana Petrescu, Matthew J. McGrath, Robbie M. Andrew, Philippe Peylin, Glen P. Peters, et al.
(2021) Earth System Science Data, 13 p.2363-2406
Journal article reviewChanges in net ecosystem exchange over Europe during the 2018 drought based on atmospheric observations
R. L. Thompson, G. Broquet, C. Gerbig, T. Koch, M. Lang, et al.
(2020) Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 375
Journal articleSpatiotemporal reconstructions of global CO2-fluxes using Gaussian Markov random fields
Unn Dahlén, Johan Lindström, Marko Scholze
(2020) Environmetrics, 31
Journal articleUsing SMOS soil moisture data combining CO2 flask samples to constrain carbon fluxes during 2010-2015 within a Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS)
Mousong Wu, Marko Scholze, Thomas Kaminski, Michael Voßbeck, Torbern Tagesson
(2020) Remote Sensing of Environment, 240
Journal articleThe regional European atmospheric transport inversion comparison, EUROCOM : First results on European-wide terrestrial carbon fluxes for the period 2006-2015
Guillaume Monteil, Grégoire Broquet, Marko Scholze, Matthew Lang, Ute Karstens, et al.
(2020) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20 p.12063-12091
Journal articleToward an operational anthropogenic CO2 emissions monitoring and verification support capacity
G. Janssens-Maenhout, B. Pinty, M. Dowell, H. Zunker, E. Andersson, et al.
(2020) Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101 p.1439-1451
Journal articleMean European Carbon Sink Over 2010–2015 Estimated by Simultaneous Assimilation of Atmospheric CO2, Soil Moisture, and Vegetation Optical Depth
M. Scholze, T. Kaminski, W. Knorr, M. Voßbeck, M. Wu, et al.
(2019) Geophysical Research Letters, 46 p.13796-13796
Journal articleEstimating global gross primary productivity using chlorophyll fluorescence and a data assimilation system with the BETHY-SCOPE model
Alexander J. Norton, Peter J. Rayner, Ernest N. Koffi, Marko Scholze, Jeremy D. Silver, et al.
(2019) Biogeosciences, 16 p.3069-3093
Journal articleAn Operational Anthropogenic CO₂ Emissions Monitoring & Verification Support Capacity : Needs and High Level Requirements for in situ Measurements
B Pinty, P Ciais, D. Dee, H Dolman, Richard Engelen, et al.
(2019) CO2 TF report
ReportSimultaneous assimilation of remotely sensed soil moisture and FAPAR for improving terrestrial carbon fluxes at multiple sites using CCDAS
Mousong Wu, Marko Scholze, Michael Voßbeck, Thomas Kaminski, Georg Hoffmann
(2018) Remote Sensing, 11
Journal articleAssimilating solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence into the terrestrial biosphere model BETHY-SCOPE v1.0 : Model description and information content
Alexander J. Norton, Peter J. Rayner, Ernest N. Koffi, Marko Scholze
(2018) Geoscientific Model Development, 11 p.1517-1536
Journal articleIncreased water-use efficiency and reduced CO2 uptake by plants during droughts at a continental scale
Wouter Peters, Ivar R. van der Velde, Erik van Schaik, John B. Miller, Philippe Ciais, et al.
(2018) Nature Geoscience, 11 p.744-748
Journal articleConstraining terrestrial carbon fluxes through assimilation of SMOS products
T. Kaminski, M. Scholze, W. Knorr, M. Vossbeck, M. Wu, et al.
(2018) 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, IGARSS 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-July p.1455-1458
Conference paperConstraining a terrestrial biosphere model with remotely sensed atmospheric carbon dioxide
T. Kaminski, M. Scholze, M. Vossbeck, W. Knorr, M. Buchwitz, et al.
(2017) Remote Sensing of Environment, 203 p.109-124
Journal articleMERLIN : A French-German space lidar mission dedicated to atmospheric methane
Gerhard Ehret, Philippe Bousquet, Clémence Pierangelo, Matthias Alpers, Bruno Millet, et al.
(2017) Remote Sensing, 9
Journal article reviewReviews and syntheses : Systematic Earth observations for use in terrestrial carbon cycle data assimilation systems
Marko Scholze, Michael Buchwitz, Wouter A. Dorigo, Luis Guanter, Shaun Quegan
(2017) Biogeosciences, 14 p.3401-3429
Journal article reviewThe benefits of investing into improved carbon flux monitoring
J. Szolgayová, Sabine Fuss, T. Kaminski, M. Scholze, M. Gusti, et al.
(2016) Cogent Economics and Finance, 4
Journal articleConsistent assimilation of multiple data streams in a carbon cycle data assimilation system
Natasha MacBean, Philippe Peylin, Frédéric Chevallier, Marko Scholze, Gregor Schürmann
(2016) Geoscientific Model Development, 9 p.3569-3588
Journal articleThe GHG-CCI project of ESA's climate change initiative : Data products and application
M. Buchwitz, M. Reuter, O. Schneising, H. Boesch, I. Aben, et al.
(2016) Proceedings of Living Planet Symposium 2016, SP-740
Conference paperSimultaneous assimilation of SMOS soil moisture and atmospheric CO2 in-situ observations to constrain the global terrestrial carbon cycle
M. Scholze, T. Kaminski, W. Knorr, S. Blessing, M. Vossbeck, et al.
(2015) Remote Sensing of Environment, 180 p.334-345
Journal articleThe Greenhouse Gas Climate Change Initiative (GHG-CCI) : Comparison and quality assessment of near-surface-sensitive satellite-derived CO2 and CH4 global data sets
M. Buchwitz, M. Reuter, O. Schneising, H. Boesch, S. Guerlet, et al.
(2015) Remote Sensing of Environment, 162 p.344-362
Journal articleThe greenhouse gas project of Esa's climate change initiative (GHG-CCI) : Overview, achievements and future plans
M. Buchwitz, M. Reuter, O. Schneising, H. Boesch, I. Aben, et al.
(2015) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 40 p.165-172
Conference paperRecent changes in the global and regional carbon cycle: analysis of first-order diagnostics
P. J. Rayner, A. Stavert, Marko Scholze, Anders Ahlström, C. E. Allison, et al.
(2015) Biogeosciences, 12 p.835-844
Journal articleInvestigating the usefulness of satellite-derived fluorescence data in inferring gross primary productivity within the carbon cycle data assimilation system
E. N. Koffi, P. J. Rayner, A. J. Norton, C. Frankenberg, Marko Scholze
(2015) Biogeosciences, 12 p.4067-4084
Journal articleWorking towards a global-scale vegetation water product from SMOS optical depth
Jennifer Grant, Jean Pierre Wigneron, Mathew Williams, Marko Scholze, Yann Kerr
(2014) International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) , p.286-289
Conference paperTesting variational estimation of process parameters and initial conditions of an earth system model
Simon Blessing, Thomas Kaminski, Frank Lunkeit, Ion Matei, Ralf Giering, et al.
(2014) Tellus. Series A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 66
Journal articleLimiting the parameter space in the Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System (CCDAS)
S. Kemp, Marko Scholze, T. Ziehn, T. Kaminski
(2014) Geoscientific Model Development, 7 p.1609-1619
Journal articleWorking towards a global-scale vegetationwater product from smos optical depth
Jennifer Grant, Jean-Pierre Wigneron, Mathew Williams, Marko Scholze, Yann Kerr
(2014) 2014 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
Conference paperSimultaneous assimilation of satellite and eddy covariance data for improving terrestrial water and carbon simulations at a semi-arid woodland site in Botswana
Tomomicho Kato, Wolfgang Knorr, Marko Scholze, Elmar Veenendaal, Thomas Kaminski, et al.
(2013) Biogeosciences, 10 p.789-802
Journal articleThe BETHY/JSBACH Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System: experiences and challenges
T. Kaminski, Wolfgang Knorr, G. Schuermann, Marko Scholze, P. J. Rayner, et al.
(2013) Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 118 p.1414-1426
Journal article reviewQuantifying the constraint of biospheric process parameters by CO2 concentration and flux measurement networks through a carbon cycle data assimilation system
E. N. Koffi, P. J. Rayner, Marko Scholze, F. Chevallier, T. Kaminski
(2013) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 13 p.10555-10572
Journal articleAn interactive tool to analyse the benefit of space missions sensing the terrestrial vegetation
T. Kaminski, W. Knorr, M. Scholze, N. Gobron, B. Pinty, et al.
(2012) , p.4883-4886
Conference paperModeling potential equilibrium states of vegetation and terrestrial water cycle of mesoamerica under climate change scenarios
Pablo Imbach, Luis Molina, Bruno Locatelli, Olivier Roupsard, Gil Mahé, et al.
(2012) Journal of Hydrometeorology, 13 p.665-680
Journal articleAtmospheric constraints on gross primary productivity and net ecosystem productivity : results from a carbon-cycle data assimilation system
E. N. Koffi, P. J. Rayner, Marko Scholze, C. Beer
(2012) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26 p.1-15
Journal articleObserving the continental-scale carbon balance: assessment of sampling complementarity and redundancy in a terrestrial assimilation system by means of quantitative network design
T. Kaminski, P. J. Rayner, M. Vossbeck, Marko Scholze, E. Koffi
(2012) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12 p.7867-7879
Journal articleConsistent assimilation of MERIS FAPAR and atmospheric CO2 into a terrestrial vegetation model and interactive mission benefit analysis
T. Kaminski, Wolfgang Knorr, Marko Scholze, N. Gobron, B. Pinty, et al.
(2012) Biogeosciences, 9 p.3173-3184
Journal articleLarge inert carbon pool in the terrestrial biosphere during the Last Glacial Maximum
P. Ciais, A. Tagliabue, M. Cuntz, L. Bopp, Marko Scholze, et al.
(2012) Nature Geoscience, 5 p.74-79
Journal articleIconic CO2 Time Series at Risk
Sander Houweling, Bakr Badawy, David F. Baker, Sourish Basu, Dmitry Belikov, et al.
(2012) Science, 337 p.1038-1040
Journal article (letter)On the capability of Monte Carlo and adjoint inversion techniques to derive posterior parameter uncertainties in terrestrial ecosystem models
T. Ziehn, Marko Scholze, W. Knorr
(2012) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 26 p.3025-3025
Journal articlePollen-based continental climate reconstructions at 6 and 21 ka : A global synthesis
P. J. Bartlein, S. P. Harrison, S. Brewer, S. Connor, B. A.S. Davis, et al.
(2011) Climate Dynamics, 37 p.775-802
Journal articleConstraining predictions of the carbon cycle using data
P. J. Rayner, E. Koffi, M. Scholze, T. Kaminski, J. L. Dufresne
(2011) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science, 369 p.1955-1966
Journal articleDevelopment of an ensemble-adjoint optimization approach to derive uncertainties in net carbon fluxes
T Ziehn, Marko Scholze, W Knorr
(2011) Geoscientific Model Development, 4 p.1011-1018
Journal articleInvestigating spatial differentiation of model parameters in a carbon cycle data assimilation system
T Ziehn, W Knorr, Marko Scholze
(2011) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25 p.2021-2021
Journal articleImproving the predictability of global CO2 assimilation rates under climate change
T Ziehn, J Kattge, W Knorr, Marko Scholze
(2011) Geophysical Research Letters, 38 p.10404-10404
Journal articleCarbon cycle data assimilation with a generic phenology model
W. Knorr, T. Kaminski, M. Scholze, N. Gobron, B. Pinty, et al.
(2010) Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 115
Journal articleQuantifying the benefit of A-SCOPE data for reducing uncertainties in terrestrial carbon fluxes in CCDAS
T. Kaminski, M. Scholze, S. Houweling
(2010) Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 62 p.784-796
Journal articleA comparison of spectral angle mapper and artificial neural network classifiers combined with landsat TM imagery analysis for obtaining burnt area mapping
George P. Petropoulos, Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Gavriil Xanthopoulos, George Karantounias, Marko Scholze
(2010) Sensors, 10 p.1967-1985
Journal articleCombining ASTER multispectral imagery analysis and support vector machines for rapid and cost-effective post-fire assessment : A case study from the Greek wildland fires of 2007
G. P. Petropoulos, W. Knorr, M. Scholze, L. Boschetti, G. Karantounias
(2010) Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 10 p.305-317
Journal articleA global Bayesian sensitivity analysis of the 1d SimSphere soil-vegetation-atmospheric transfer (SVAT) model using Gaussian model emulation
G. Petropoulos, M. J. Wooster, T. N. Carlson, M. C. Kennedy, M. Scholze
(2009) Ecological Modelling, 220 p.2427-2440
Journal articleFundamentals of climate change science
I. Colin Prentice, Peter G. Baines, Marko Scholze, Martin J. Wooster
(2009) Understanding the Earth System : Global Change Science for Application, 9781107009363 p.39-71
Book chapterThe earth system feedbacks that matter for contemporary climate
Pierre Friedlingstein, Angela V. Gallego-Sala, Eleanor M. Blyth, Fiona E. Hewer, Sonia I. Seneviratne, et al.
(2009) Understanding the Earth System : Global Change Science for Application, 9781107009363 p.102-128
Book chapterRemote sensing input for regional to global CO2 flux modelling
Wolfgang Knorr, Thomas Kaminski, Marko Scholze, Nadine Gobron, Bernard Pinty, et al.
(2008) Proceedings of the 2nd MERIS/(A)ATSR User Workshop
Conference paperModeling terrestrial 13C cycling : Climate, land use and fire
Marko Scholze, P. Ciais, M. Heimann
(2008) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 22
Journal articleTesting the use of adjoints for parameter estimation in a simple GCM on climate time-scales
Thomas Kaminski, Simon Blessing, Ralf Giering, Marko Scholze, Michael Vossbeck
(2007) Meteorologische Zeitschrift, 16 p.643-652
Journal articlePropagating uncertainty through prognostic carbon cycle data assimilation system simulations
Marko Scholze, Thomas Kaminski, Peter Rayner, Wolfgang Knorr, Ralf Giering
(2007) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 112
Journal articleImpact of terrestrial biosphere carbon exchanges on the anomalous CO2 increase in 2002-2003
Wolfgang Knorr, N. Gobron, M. Scholze, T. Kaminski, R. Schnur, et al.
(2007) Geophysical Research Letters, 34
Journal articleRelevance of global remote-sensing fapar products to carbon flux estimates
Nadine Gobron, Wolfgang Knorr, Ophélie Aussedat, Bernard Pinty, Marko Scholze, et al.
(2007) European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP
Conference paperCO2 inhibition of terrestrial isoprene production stabilises tropospheric oxidation capacity
Almut Arneth, Paul Miller, Marko Scholze, Thomas Hickler, Guy Schurgers, et al.
(2007) Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L18813
Journal articleA climate-change risk analysis for world ecosystems
Marko Scholze, Wolfgang Knorr, Nigel W. Arnell, I. Colin Prentice
(2006) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 p.13116-13120
Journal articleClimate and air quality
J House, V Brovkin, R Betts, R Costanza, M Assunçao Silva Dias, et al.
(2006) Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005 - Current State and Trends. Findings of the Condition and Trends Working Group (Ecosystems and Human Well-being), 1 p.350-390
Book chapterRemarks on the use of 13C and 18O isotopes in Atmospheric CO2 to Quantify biospheric carbon fluxes
Philippe Ciais, Matthias Cuntz, Marko Scholze, Florent Mouillot, Philippe Peylin, et al.
(2005) Stable Isotopes and Biosphere - Atmosphere Interactions : Processes and Biological Controls , p.235-267
Book chapterTwo decades of terrestrial carbon fluxes from a carbon cycle data assimilation system (CCDAS)
Peter J. Rayner, Marko Scholze, Wolfgang Knorr, Thomas Kaminski, Ralf Giering, et al.
(2005) Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19 p.1-20
Journal articleAn example of an automatic differentiation-based modelling system
Thomas Kaminski, Ralf Giering, Marko Scholze, Peter Rayner, Wolfgang Knorr
(2003) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2668 p.95-104
Journal articleImplications of ice core smoothing for inferring CO2 flux variability
C. M. Trudinger, P. J. Rayner, I. G. Enting, M. Heimann, M. Scholze
(2003) Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108
Journal articleSimulating near-equilibrium climate and vegetation for 6000 cal. years BP
U. Mikolajewicz, M. Scholze, R. Voss
(2003) Holocene, 13 p.319-326
Journal articleModelling terrestrial vegetation dynamics and carbon cycling for an abrupt climatic change event
Marko Scholze, Wolfgang Knorr, Martin Heimann
(2003) Holocene, 13 p.327-333
Journal articleClimate and interannual variability of the atmosphere-biosphere 13CO2 flux
M. Scholze, J. O. Kaplan, W. Knorr, M. Heimann
(2003) Geophysical Research Letters, 30
Journal articleConstraining temperature variations over the last millennium by comparing simulated and observed atmospheric CO2
S. Gerber, F. Joos, P. Brügger, T. F. Stocker, M. E. Mann, et al.
(2003) Climate Dynamics, 20 p.281-299
Journal article