I am professor and subject head in Geographic Information Science and part of the GIS Centre at Lund University I am involved in research and teaching of technical and theoretical aspects of geographic information science. My main interests are algorithms for processing, analyzing and visualizing geographic data as well as methods to improve the national spatial data infrastructure. I am also interested in applications of GIS and have performed spatial analysis research in e.g. historical demography, epidemiology, hydrology and urban planning. Has a background in geodesy which I still have a keen interest in. See link for a description of our projects.
The courses that I coordinate/teach are: Algorithms in GIS, Web-GIS, Surveying, Geographical databases and Geographic information technology. Besides this I give some lectures in other courses at both the science faculty and engineering faculty at Lund University.
Is editor of the Swedish GIS book Geografisk informationsbehandling: teori, metoder och tillämpningar.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Recommendation for Vegetation Information in Semantic 3D City Models Used in Urban Planning Applications
Karolina Pantazatou, Jouri Kanters, Kristoffer Mattisson, Per-Ola Olsson, Lars Harrie
(2024) Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography , p.3-30
Book chapterMachine learning in cartography
Lars Harrie, Guillaume Touya, Rachid Oucheikh, Tinghua Ai, Azelle Courtial, et al.
(2024) Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 51 p.1-19
Journal article (comment)A feasibility study of applying generative deep learning models for map labeling
Rachid Oucheikh, Lars Harrie
(2024) Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 51 p.168-191
Journal articleInput data requirements for daylight simulations in urban densifications
Karolina Pantazatou, Jouri Kanters, Per-Ola Olsson, Lars Harrie, Johannes Lande Nyborg
(2023) Urban Informatics, 2
Journal articleSveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleA graph autoencoder network to measure the geometric similarity of drainage networks in scaling transformation
Huafei Yu, Tinghua Ai, Min Yang, Weiming Huang, Lars Harrie
(2023) International Journal of Digital Earth, 16 p.1828-1852
Journal articleA BIM-based approach to design a lifecycle 3D property formation process : A Swedish case study
Jing Sun, Jesper M. Paasch, Jenny Paulsson, Väino Tarandi, Lars Harrie
(2023) Land Use Policy, 131
Journal articleFuture Swedish 3D City Models : Specifications, Test Data, and Evaluation
Maria Uggla, Perola Olsson, Barzan Abdi, Björn Axelsson, Matthew Calvert, et al.
(2023) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12
Journal articleDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleLabel Placement Challenges in City Wayfinding Map Production—Identification and Possible Solutions
Lars Harrie, Rachid Oucheikh, Åsa Nilsson, Andreas Oxenstierna, Pontus Cederholm, et al.
(2022) Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 6
Journal articleUsing BIM Data Together with City Models : Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges
Lars Harrie, Per-Ola Olsson, Weiming Huang, Jing Sun
(2021) GIM international, 2021 p.27-27
L. Harrie, J. Kanters, K. Mattisson, P. Nezval, P. O. Olsson, et al.
(2021) , p.73-77
Conference paper: abstractArbetsrapport Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi : Om processarbetet i projektet Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi för digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation
Pontus Bengtsson, Lars Harrie, Christina Lazaro Morales, Henrik Lindroth, Anna Neidenström, et al.
ReportRamverk Nationell Standardiseringsstrategi : DIGITAL SAMHÄLLSBYGGNADSINFORMATION
Pontus Bengtsson, Lars Harrie, Christina Lazaro Morales, Henrik Lindroth, Anna Neidenström, et al.
ReportNationell Standardiseringsstrategi Period 2021 2023 för digital samhällsbyggnadsinformation
Pontus Bengtsson, Lars Harrie, Christina Lazaro Morales, Henrik Lindroth, Anna Neidenström, et al.
ReportVisualization of the Invisible (Editorial)
Terje Midtbø, Lars Harrie
(2021) Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 5
Journal article (comment)Reference study of CityGML software support : The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part II
Francesca Noardo, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Filip Biljecki, Claire Ellul, Lars Harrie, et al.
(2021) Transactions in GIS, 25 p.842-868
Journal articleReference study of IFC software support : The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part I
Francesca Noardo, Thomas Krijnen, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Filip Biljecki, Claire Ellul, et al.
(2021) Transactions in GIS, 25 p.805-841
Journal articleComparison of versioning methods to improve the information flow in the planning and building processes
Helen Eriksson, Jing Sun, Väino Tarandi, Lars Harrie
(2021) Transactions in GIS, 25 p.134-163
Journal articleVersioning of 3D city models for municipality applications : Needs, obstacles and recommendations
Helen Eriksson, Lars Harrie
(2021) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10
F. Noardo, G. Malacarne, S. Mastrolembo Ventura, L. C. Tagliabue, A. L.C. Ciribini, et al.
(2020) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 44 p.103-110
W. Huang, P. O. Olsson, J. Kanters, L. Harrie
(2020) ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 6 p.93-99
Conference paperTowards Knowledge-Based Geospatial Data Integration and Visualization : A Case of Visualizing Urban Bicycling Suitability
Weiming Huang, Khashayar Kazemzadeh, Ali Mansourian, Lars Harrie
(2020) IEEE Access, 8 p.85473-85489
Journal articleVisualizing a possible future: Map Guidelines for a 3D Detailed Development Plan
Stephanie Judge, Lars Harrie
(2020) Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis, 4
Journal articleVerktyg för konvertering mellan BIM och stadsmodeller
Per-Ola Olsson, Lars Harrie, Leonard Berge, Tim Johansson
ReportUtbyte av information mellan kommun och entreprenör
Lars Harrie, Daniel Gardevärn, Anders Jurisoo, Helen Eriksson, Barzan Abdi, et al.
ReportGeografiska data på webben
Alexander Walther, Lars Harrie
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.169-181
F. Noardo, K. Arroyo Ohori, F. Biljecki, C. Ellul, L. Harrie, et al.
(2020) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 43 p.227-233
Conference paperTowards knowledge-based geovisualisation using Semantic Web technologies : a knowledge representation approach coupling ontologies and rules
Weiming Huang, Lars Harrie
(2020) International Journal of Digital Earth, 13 p.976-997
Journal articleRequirements, development, and evaluation of a national building standard—a Swedish case study
Helen Eriksson, Tim Johansson, Per Ola Olsson, Maria Andersson, Jakob Engvall, et al.
(2020) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9
Journal articleTools for BIM-GIS Integration (IFC Georeferencing and Conversions): Results from the GeoBIM Benchmark 2019
Francesca Noardo, Lars Harrie, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Filip Biljecki, Claire Ellul, et al.
(2020) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9
Journal articleKvalitetsaspekter
Christina Wasström, Gunhild Lönnberg, Lars Harrie
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling – teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.273-295
Book chapterEvaluating the Geometric Aspects of Integrating BIM Data into City Models
Jing Sun, Per-Ola Olsson, Helen Eriksson, Lars Harrie
(2020) Journal of Spatial Science, 65 p.235-255
Journal articleKartografi och geovisualisering
Bengt Rystedt, Hanna Stigmar, Lars Harrie, Wolter Arnberg
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling – teori, metoder och tillämpningar, Lund p.297-334
Book chapterInsamling av geografiska data
L. Eklundh, J. Ågren, H. Olsson, L. Harrie, D. Klang
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.85-127
Book chapterLagring av geografiska data
L. Harrie, L. Eklundh, P. Pilesjö, P. Svensson
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.129-167
Book chapterTransformation av geografiska data
L. Eklundh, L. Harrie
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.183-211
Book chapterIntroduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling
L. Harrie, L. Eklundh
(2020) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.19-37
C. Ellul, F. Noardo, L. Harrie, J. Stoter
(2020) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 44 p.33-40
Conference paperOpportunities and Challenges for GeoBIM in Europe: developing a building permits use-case to raise awareness and examine technical interoperability challenges
Francesca Noardo, Claire Ellul, Lars Harrie, Ivar Overland, Masoome Shariat, et al.
(2020) Journal of Spatial Science, 65 p.209-233
Journal articleUtilizing BIM and GIS for Representation and Visualization of 3D Cadastre
Jing Sun, Mi Siying, Per-Ola Olsson, Jenny Paulsson, Lars Harrie
(2019) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8 p.503-527
Journal articleAssessment and benchmarking of spatially enabled RDF stores for the next generation of spatial data infrastructure
Weiming Huang, Syed Amir Raza, Oleg Mirzov, Lars Harrie
(2019) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8
Journal articleGeoBIM benchmark 2019 : design and initial results
Francesca Noardo, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Filip Biljecki, T. Krijnen, Claire Ellul, et al.
(2019) The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences : ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019, 10–14 June 2019, Enschede, The Netherlands, Volume XLII-2/W13 p.1339-1346
Conference paperUnbroken Digital Data Flow In The Built Environment Process : A Case Study In Sweden
Per-Ola Olsson, Tim Johansson, Helen Eriksson, Thomas Lithen, Lars-Håkan Bengtsson, et al.
(2019) Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XLII-2/W13, XLII-2/W13 p.1347-1352
Conference paperGeoBIM Benchmark 2019 : Intermediate results
F. Noardo, F. Biljecki, G. Agugiaro, K. Arroyo Ohori, C. Ellul, et al.
(2019) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42 p.47-52
Conference paperEuRoSDR GeoBIM project a study in Europe on how to use the potentials of BIM and GEO data in practice
F. Noardo, C. Ellul, L. Harrie, E. Devys, K. Arroyo Ohori, et al.
(2019) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42 p.53-60
Conference paperLeveransspecifikationer för Geodata-BIM : Arbetspaket 3: Testverksamhet
Tim Johansson, Josefine Axelsson, Martin Burrows, Lars Harrie, Isak Hast, et al.
ReportLeveransspecifikationer för Geodata-BIM : - med fokus på bygglovsprocessen
Karin Neland, Birgitta Ryden, Lars Harrie, Thomas Lithen
ReportWhat is the need for building parts? - A comparison of CityGML, inspire building and a swedish building standard
H. Eriksson, L. Harrie, J. M. Paasch
(2018) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42 p.27-32
Conference paperInvestigating the state of play of geobim across Europe
C. Ellul, J. Stoter, L. Harrie, M. Shariat, A. Behan, et al.
(2018) International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 42 p.19-26
Conference paperAutomation of building permission by integration of BIM and geospatial data
Per Ola Olsson, Josefine Axelsson, Martin Hooper, Lars Harrie
(2018) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7
Journal articleSynchronising geometric representations for map mashups using relative positioning and Linked Data
Weiming Huang, Ali Mansourian, Ehsan Abdolmajidi, Haiqi Xu, Lars Harrie
(2018) International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32 p.1117-1137
Journal articleImportance of the Geocoding Level for Historical Demographic Analyses : A Case Study of Rural Parishes in Sweden, 1850–1914
Finn Hedefalk, Karolina Pantazatou, Luciana Quaranta, Lars Harrie
(2018) Spatial Demography, 6 p.35-69
Journal articleGeospatial Technologies for All: Preface
Ali Mansourian, Petter Pilesjö, Lars Harrie, Ron van Lammeren
(2018) Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, part F3
Conference prefacePreface: Geospatial Technologies for All : Selected Papers of the 21st AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science
Ali Mansourian, Petter Pilesjö, Lars Harrie, Ron van Lammeren
(2018) Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
Conference prefaceSharing building information from planning to maintenance phases
Jing Sun, Helen Eriksson, Lars Harrie, Anna Jensen
(2018) Geospatial Technologies for All : short papers, posters and poster abstracts of the 21th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Lund University 12-15 June 2018, Lund, Sweden
Conference paperTechniques for and consequences of using INSPIRE extensions : a case study with Swedish hydrological data
Helen Eriksson, Lars Harrie, Jesper Paasch, Andreas Persson
(2018) International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 13 p.172-201
Journal articleMultiple Representation for Geospatial Linked Data
Weiming Huang, Eidur Eidsson, Lars Harrie
(2018) Geospatial Technologies for All : short papers, posters and poster abstracts of the 21th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Lund University 12-15 June 2018, Lund, Sweden
Conference paperThe need for country masks for future national greenhouse gas flux estimations
Lars Harrie, Ute Karstens, Huiting Huang
(2018) Geospatial Technologies for All : short papers, posters and poster abstracts of the 21th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science. Lund University 12-15 June 2018, Lund, Sweden
Conference paperGeospatial Technologies for All : Selected Papers of the 21st AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science
(2018) Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
Conference publicationDescription of geodata quality with focus on integration of BIM-data and geodata
Jing Sun, Lars Harrie, Anna Jensen, Helen Eriksson, Väino Tarandi, et al.
ReportSpatiotemporal historical datasets at micro-level for geocoded individuals in five Swedish parishes, 1813–1914
Finn Hedefalk, Patrick Svensson, Lars Harrie
(2017) Scientific Data, 4
Journal articleGeospatial data integration and visualisation using Linked Data
Weiming Huang, Ali Mansourian, Lars Harrie
(2017) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2088
Conference paperCartographic Design Matters : A Comparison of Thematic Polygon Design
Andreas Kiik, Marcus Nyström, Lars Harrie
(2017) Cartographic Journal, 54 p.24-35
Journal articleThe stock-flow model of spatial data infrastructure development refined by fuzzy logic
Ehsan Abdolmajidi, Lars Harrie, Ali Mansourian
(2016) SpringerPlus, 5
Journal articleMethodology for the efficient progressive distribution and visualization of 3D building objects
Bo Mao, Lars Harrie
(2016) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 5
Journal articleThe influence of geocoding level and definition of geographic context variables on historical demographic analyses
Karolina Pantazatou, Finn Hedefalk, Lars Harrie, Luciana Quaranta
(2016) , p.1-5
Conference paperOn-demand mapping and integration of thematic data
Weiming Huang, A Mansourian, Lars Harrie
(2016) 19th ICA Workshop on Generalization and Multiple Representation
Conference paperSpatiotemporal historical datasets on micro-level for geocoded individuals in five Swedish parishes, 1813-1914
Finn Hedefalk, Patrick Svensson, Lars Harrie
OtherMatching authority and VGI road networks using an extended node-based matching algorithm
Ehsan Abdolmajidi, Ali Mansourian, Julian Will, Lars Harrie
(2015) Geo-Spatial Information Science, 18 p.65-80
Journal articleAnalytical Estimation of Map Readability
Lars Harrie, Hanna Stigmar, Milan Djordjevic
(2015) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4 p.418-446
Journal articleBuilding ontology on-the-fly for the VGI and authority road networks to facilitate their integration
Ehsan Abdolmajidi, Lars Harrie, A Mansourian
(2015) Workshop on RICH-VGI:enrichment of volunteered geographic information (VGI): Techniques, practices and current state of knowledge
Conference paperReal-time visualization of 3D city models at street-level based on visual saliency
Mao Bo, Ban YiFang, Lars Harrie
(2015) Science China: Earth Sciences, 58 p.448-461
Journal articleMethods to Create a Longitudinal Integrated Demographic and Geographic Database on the Micro-Level: A Case Study of Five Swedish Rural Parishes, 1813–1914
Finn Hedefalk, Lars Harrie, Patrick Svensson
(2015) Historical Methods, 48 p.153-173
Journal articleExtending the Intermediate Data Structure (IDS) for longitudinal historical databases to include geographic data
Finn Hedefalk, Lars Harrie, Patrick Svensson
(2014) Historical Life Course Studies, 1 p.27-46
Journal articleSome strategic national initiatives for the Swedish education in the geodata field
Lars Harrie, Karin Larsson, David Tenenbaum, Hanna Ridefeldt, Gunnar Lysell, et al.
(2014) Proceedings of the AGILE'2014 International Conference on Geographic Information Science
Conference paperNOSQL based 3d city model management system
Bo Mao, Lars Harrie, J Cao, Z Wu, J Shenc
(2014) The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XL-4
Conference paperEvaluation in generalisation
Jantien Stoter, Xiang Zhang, Hanna Stigmar, Lars Harrie
(2014) Abstracting geographic information in a data rich world : methodologies and applications of map generalisation , p.259-297
Book chapterIntroduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling
Lars Harrie, Lars Eklundh
(2013) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.19-34
Book chapterAutomatic integration of spatial data in viewing services
Ara Toomanian, Lars Harrie, Ali Mansourian, Petter Pilesjö
(2013) Journal of Spatial Information Science, 6 p.43-58
Journal articleLagring av geografiska data
Lars Harrie, Per Svensson
(2013) Geografisk informationsbehandling – teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.161-182
Book chapterIntegrating longitudinal historic demographic data with detailed geographic data
Finn Hedefalk, Lars Harrie, Patrick Svensson
Conference paperBearbetning av geografiska data
Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie
(2013) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.183-209
Book chapterInsamling av geografiska data
Jonas Ågren, Lars Eklundh, Håkan Olsson, Lars Harrie, Dan Klang
(2013) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.103-137
Book chapterKvalitetsaspekter
Christina Wasström, Gunhild Lönnberg, Lars Harrie
(2013) Geografisk informationsbehandling : teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.262-282
Book chapterDetection and typification of linear structures for dynamic visualization of 3D city models
Bo Mao, Lars Harrie, Yifang Ban
(2012) Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 36 p.233-244
Journal articleAutomatic Symbolisation Methods for Geoportals
Ara Toomanian, Lars Harrie, Per-Ola Olsson
(2012) Cartographic Journal, 49 p.153-163
Journal articleAccessible map and LBS content guidelines
Mari Laakso, Tapani Sarjakoski, Tiina Sarjakoski, Lars Harrie, Jonas Andreasson, et al.
(2012) HaptiMap Haptic, Audio and Visual Interfaces for Maps and Location Based Services
ReportCartographic enhanced geoportals
Ara Toomanian, Lars Harrie, Per-Ola Olsson
(2011) Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference
Conference paperUsing balanced scorecard for evaluation of spatial data infrastructures : a case study in accordance with INSPIRE
Ara Toomanian, Ali Mansourian, Lars Harrie, Anders Ryden
(2011) International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research, 6 p.311-343
Journal articleCartographic quality issues of view services in geoportals
Lars Harrie, Sebastien Mustiere, Hanna Stigmar
(2011) Cartographica, 46 p.92-100
Journal article reviewEvaluation of Analytical Measures of Map Legibility
Hanna Stigmar, Lars Harrie
(2011) Cartographic Journal, 48 p.41-53
Journal articleExpert System to Enhance the Functionality of Clearinghouse Services
Ali Mansourian, Ebrahim Omidi, Ara Toomanian, Lars Harrie
(2011) Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35 p.159-172
Journal articleTheme issue "Quality, scale and analysis aspects of urban city models"
Monika Sester, Lars Harrie, Alfred Stein
(2011) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66 p.155-156
Journal article (comment)Identifying map regions that are difficult to read
Per-Ola Olsson, Karsten Pippig, Lars Harrie, Hanna Stigmar
(2011) Kart och Bildteknik: mapping and image science , p.22-29
Journal articleA multiple representation data structure for dynamic visualisation of generalised 3D city models
Bo Mao, Yifang Ban, Lars Harrie
(2011) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 66 p.198-208
Journal articleReport on Technical Specifications and Standards of Geographic Information
Charlotte Magnusson, Lars Harrie, Paul Kelly, Stuart Ferguson, Tapani Sarjakoski, et al.
ReportAnalytical estimation of map legibility
Hanna Stigmar, Lars Harrie, Milan Djordjevic
Conference paperCity model generalization similarity measurement using nested structure of Earth Mover’s Distance
Bo Mao, H Fan, Lars Harrie, Yifang Ban, Liqiu Meng
Conference paperAn evaluation of measures for quantifying map information
Lars Harrie, Hanna Stigmar
(2010) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 65 p.266-274
Journal articleA Dynamic Typification Method of 3D City Buildings Using Minimum Spanning Tree
Bo Mao, Lars Harrie, Yifang Ban
(2010) Proceedings of GIScience
Conference paperKartografiska aspekter av geodataportalen
Lars Harrie, Hanna Stigmar
(2010) Kart och Bildteknik: mapping and image science , p.22-25
Journal articlePlanning Rescue Services with Non-Stationary Rescue Units
Anders Dahlgren, Lars Harrie, Anders Axelsson
(2009) Fire Technology, 45 p.239-255
Journal articleA Framework of Online 3D City Visualization using CityGML and X3D
Bo Mao, Yifang Ban, Lars Harrie
Conference paperIntroduktion till geografisk informationsbehandling
Lars Harrie, Lars Eklundh
(2008) Geografisk informationsbehandling: teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.14-26
Book chapterKvalitetsaspekter
Christina Wasström, Gunhild Lönnberg, Lars Harrie
(2008) Geografisk informationsbehandling: teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.238-255
Book chapterLagring av geografiska data
Lars Harrie, Per Svensson
(2008) Geografisk informationsbehandling: teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.140-159
Book chapterBearbetning av geografiska data
Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie
(2008) Geografisk informationsbehandling: teori, metoder och tillämpningar , p.162-181
Book chapterModelling the Overall Process of Generalisation
Lars Harrie, Robert Weibel
(2007) Generalisation of Geographic Information: Cartographic Modelling and Applications , p.67-88
Book chapterDevelopment of a tool for proximity applications
Anders Dahlgren, Lars Harrie
Conference paperA study of spatial resolution in pollution exposure modelling
Emilie Stroh, Lars Harrie, Susanna Gustafsson
(2007) International Journal of Health Geographics, 6
Journal articleAutomation of Vegetation Symbol Placement on Ordnance Survey® 1:50 000 Scale Maps
Lars Harrie, Patrick Revell
(2007) Cartographic Journal, 40 p.258-267
Journal articleEvaluation of computational methods for connecting points to large networks
Anders Dahlgren, Lars Harrie
(2006) Kart och Bildteknik: mapping and image science , p.45-54
Journal articleDigital elevation data for estimation of potential wetness in ridged fields - Comparison of two different methods
Petter Pilesjö, Andreas Persson, Lars Harrie
(2006) Agricultural Water Management, 79 p.225-247
Journal articleMultiple representation and interoperability of spatial data
(2006) International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXVI
Conference publicationReal-time map labelling for mobile applications
Qingnian Zhang, Lars Harrie
(2006) Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 30 p.773-783
Journal articleA test bench for evaluating spatial indexation methods for connecting points to large networks
Anders Dahlgren, Lars Harrie
(2006) , p.62-71
Conference paperA Real-time Method of Placing Text and Icon Labels Simultaneously
Qingnian Zhang, Lars Harrie
(2006) Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 33 p.53-64
Journal articleAre associations between socio-economic characteristics and exposure to air pollution a question of study area size? An example from Scania, Sweden
Emilie Stroh, Anna Oudin, Susanna Gustafsson, Petter Pilesjö, Lars Harrie, et al.
(2005) International Journal of Health Geographics, 4
Journal articleWeb Generalisation Service in GiMoDig – towards a standardised service for real-time generalisation
Tapani Sarjakoski, Monika Sester, Tiina Sarjakoski, Lars Harrie, Lassi Lehto, et al.
(2005) , p.509-518
Conference paperA case study of combined text and icon placement
Lars Harrie, Qingnian Zhang, Peter Ringberg
Conference paperIntegrating Graphic Generalisation Methods in a System for Real-Time Maps
Lars Harrie
(2005) , p.63-74
Conference paperGeografiska informationssystem - användning idag och utvecklingstendenser
Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie
(2005) Geografiska informationssystem - tillämpningsexempel , p.9-38
Book chapterTowards Extending Web Map Services
Mehmet Bozkurt, Roger Groth, Björn Hansson, Lars Harrie, Peter Ringberg, et al.
Conference paperAn Algorithm for Icon Placement on a Real-Time Map
Lars Harrie, Hanna Stigmar, Tommi Koivula, Lassi Lehto
(2004) Development in Spatial Data Handling , p.493-507
Conference paperSelection of Streets from a Network Using Self-Organizing Maps
Bin Jiang, Lars Harrie
(2004) Transactions in GIS, 8 p.335-350
Journal articleMultiple Representation Databases to Support Visualization on Mobile Devices
Mark Hampe, Monika Sester, Lars Harrie
(2004) International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XXXV p.135-140
Conference paperReal-time Map Labeling for Personal Navigation
Qingnian Zhang, Lars Harrie
(2004) , p.39-46
Conference paperReal-time generalisation and multiple representation in the GiMoDig mobile service
Monika Sester, Tiina Sarjakoski, Lars Harrie, Mark Hampe, Tommy Koivula, et al.
ReportMap generalisation technology: addressing the need for a common research platform
Dirk Burghardt, Allister Edwardes, Robert Weibel, Lars Harrie, Monika Sester
Conference paperIntegration of navigational and cartographic data
Hanna Stigmar, Lars Harrie
Conference paperReal-time data generalisation and integration using Java
Lars Harrie, Mikael Johansson
(2003) Geoforum Perspektiv , p.29-34
Journal articleWeight-setting and quality assessment in simultaneous graphic generalization
Lars Harrie
(2003) Cartographic Journal, 40 p.221-233
Journal articleVariable-Scale Map For Small-display Cartography
Lars Harrie, Tiina Sarjakoski, Lassi Lehto
(2002) , p.237-242
Conference paperIntegrating a statistical tool within a standard GIS environment
Karin Gullstrand, Maria Ljungblom, Lars Harrie, Petter Pilesjö
Conference paperTekniska aspekter på en nationell detaljerad kartografisk databas
Lars Harrie
(2002) Lantmäteritidskriften , p.6-7
Journal articleA Mapping Function for Variable-Scale Maps in Small-Display Cartography
Lars Harrie, Tiina Sarjakoski, Lassi Lehto
(2002) Journal of Geospatial Engineering, 2 p.111-123
Journal articleImplementation of GIS in social sciences
Karin Ljungblom, Maria Gullstrand, Lars Harrie, Petter Pilesjö
Conference paperSimultaneous graphic generalization of vector data sets
Lars Harrie, T Sarjakoski
(2002) GeoInformatica, 6 p.233-261
Journal articleNågra utvecklingstendenser inom geografisk informationsbehandling
Lars Harrie, Lars Eklundh
(2002) Sinus, 1 p.5-10
Journal articleEn Optimeringsmetod för Kartografisk Generalisering
Lars Harrie
(2001) Kartbladet , p.26-34
Journal articleAnvändning av geografiska informationssystem inom vägplanering och vägprojektering
Lars Harrie, Petter Pilesjö, Per Asserup, M Moskvitina
ReportInvestigating relationships between Landsat ETM+ sensor data and leaf area index in a boreal conifer forest
Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie, Andres Kuusk
(2001) Remote Sensing of Environment, 78 p.239-249
Journal articleDetermination of green phytomass in a northern boreal forest by means of Landsat TM-data and a forest canopy reflectance model
Lars Eklundh, Lars Harrie
(2000) , p.126-129
Conference paperGeneralisation of vector data sets by simultaneous least squares adjustment
Lars Harrie, Tapani Sarjakoski
(2000) , p.4-355
Conference paperA Prototype System for Propagating Updates between Cartographic Data Sets
Lars Harrie, Anna-Karin Hellström
(1999) Cartographic Journal, 36 p.493-507
Journal articleThe Constraint Method for Solving Spatial Conflicts in Cartographic Generalization
Lars Harrie
(1999) Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 26 p.55-69
Journal articleKartografisk Generalisering ur ett Produktions och Forskningsperspektiv
Fredrik Davidsson, Lars Harrie, Anna-Karin Hellström
(1999) Kartbladet , p.26-34
Journal articleKoordinatsystem, kartprojektioner och referenssystem
Hans Hauska, Lars Harrie
(1999) Geografisk informationsbehandling - metoder och tillämpningar , p.65-89
Book chapterA Prototype System for Propagating Updates between Cartographic Data Sets
Lars Harrie, Anna-Karin Hellström
(1999) , p.1397-1401
Conference paperEstimating Flow Distribution over Digital Elevation Models Using a Form-Based Algorithm
Petter Pilesjö, Qiming Zhou, Lars Harrie
(1998) Geographic Information Sciences, 4 p.44-51
Journal articleEstimation of Flow Distribution for Hydrological Modelling
Petter Pilesjö, Q Zhou, Lars Harrie
Conference paperGeneralisation Methods for Propagating Updates between Cartographic Data Sets
Lars Harrie
Licentiate thesisNoggrann Positionsbestamning med Fasta Referensstationer
Lars Harrie
(1996) Lantmäteritidskrift , p.5-11
Journal articleHigher-degree Reference Field in the Generalized Stokes-Helmert Scheme for Geoid Computation
Peter Vanicek, M Najafi, Zdenek Martinec, Lars Harrie, Lars Sjöberg
(1995) Journal of Geodesy, 70 p.176-182
Journal article