Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Evolution in Helianthemum oelandicum (Cistaceae)-evidence of Holocene differentiation in morphology on the Baltic island of Öland, south-eastern Sweden
Björn Widen, Eman Soubani, Mikael Hedren, Oskar Löfgren, Marie Widen
(2023) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 202 p.270-293
Artikel i tidskriftGrasslands ancient and modern : Soil nutrients, habitat age and their relation to Ellenberg N
Oskar Löfgren, Karin Hall, Barbara Christine Schmid, Honor Clare Prentice
(2020) Journal of Vegetation Science, 31 p.367-379
Artikel i tidskriftRemote sensing of grassland communities : integrated effects of soil nutrients and habitat age
Oskar Löfgren
DoktorsavhandlingLandscape history confounds the ability of the NDVI to detect fine-scale variation in grassland communities
Oskar Löfgren, Honor C. Prentice, Thomas Moeckel, Barbara C. Schmid, Karin Hall
(2018) Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9 p.2009-2018
Artikel i tidskriftAirborne hyperspectral data predict Ellenberg indicator values for nutrient and moisture availability in dry grazed grasslands within a local agricultural landscape
Thomas Möckel, Oskar Löfgren, Honor C. Prentice, Lars Eklundh, Karin Hall
(2016) Ecological Indicators, 66 p.503-516
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