Lars Eklundh

De unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
The youth are completely right when suing the state
Summary, in Swedish
1 620 forskare och lärare i forskarvärlden: Vi ställer oss bakom Auroras klimatkrav
- Department of Service Studies
- Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science
- Paediatrics (Lund)
- Cancerepidemiology and radiation
- LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies)
- Quaternary Sciences
- MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system
- Civil Society and Social Movements
- Social Policy and Sustainability
- School of Social Work
- Department of Human Geography
- Human Ecology
- Nuclear physics
- Pufendorf Institute for Advanced Studies
- Aquatic Ecology
- Division aquatic ecology
- Department of Geology
- Botanical collections
- EpiHealth: Epidemiology for Health
- Planetary Health
- Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University
- The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
- Transport and Roads
- Centre for Healthy Indoor Environments
- LTH Profile Area: Nanoscience and Semiconductor Technology
- Metalund
- Ergonomics and Aerosol Technology
- NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
- LTH Profile Area: Circular Building Sector
- Urbanity, housing, environment
- Department of Architecture and Built Environment
- Lithosphere and Biosphere Science
- eSSENCE: The e-Science Collaboration
- Sociology
- Environmental and Energy Systems Studies
- Department of Political Science
- StemTherapy: National Initiative on Stem Cells for Regenerative Therapy
- Hematogenomics
- Division of Hematology and Clinical Immunology
- Department of Sociology
- Efficient Energy Systems
- LTH Profile Area: The Energy Transition
- Mathematics (Faculty of Engineering)
- Human Rights Studies
- Social Anthropology
- Department of Sociology of Law
- Metaphysics and Collectivity
- Practical Philosophy
- CAnMove - Centre for Animal Movement Research
- Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC)
- Organizational Studies
- Department of Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Professional Services
- Department of Business Administration
- History
- Department of Communication and Media
- Media and Communication Studies
- Centre for Analysis and Synthesis
- Centre for Geographical Information Systems (GIS Centre)
- Industrial Design
- Chemical Physics
- Form, design, culture
- MAX IV Laboratory
- Plant Biology
- Biodiversity
- Mathematics (Faculty of Sciences)
- Harmonic Analysis and Applications
- National Resource Centre for Physics Education
- Engelsk rubrik
- Undergraduate Programme of Studies in Physics within Faculty of Science
- Department of Psychology
- Sustainable Urban Design
- Biochemistry and Structural Biology
- Christianity and Nationalism
- Studies in Faith and World Views
- Russian Studies
- Gender Studies
- CogComlab
- Cognitive Science
- Centre for Advanced Middle Eastern Studies (CMES)
- MECW: The Middle East in the Contemporary World
- Unit for Educational Services
- Migration and Mobility
- GeoBiosphere Science Centre administrative unit
- Division of Water Resources Engineering
- Division of Risk Management and Societal Safety
- Division of Chemical Engineering
- Temporarily employed
- Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management (LUCRAM)
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Ageing and Eldercare
- Evolutionary ecology
- Department of Strategic Communication
- Combustion Physics
- Child, Youth and Family
- Environmental Epidemiology
Publishing year
Document type
Newspaper article
Aftonbladet Hierta AB
- Political Science
- Climate solutions
Research group
- Aquatic Ecology
- Planetary Health
- Hematogenomics
- Metaphysics and Collectivity
- CAnMove - Centre for Animal Movement Research
- Plant Biology
- Harmonic Analysis and Applications
- Christianity and Nationalism
- CogComlab
- Psychiatry
- Surgery
- Environmental Epidemiology
- ISSN: 1103-9000