Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Accurate quantification of soil organic matter content using VNIR-SWIR spectra : The role of straw and spectrally active materials
Chao Tan, Haijun Luan, Qiuhua He, Shuchen Yu, Meiduan Zheng, et al.
(2024) Geoderma Regional, 39
Journal articleGlobal increase in the optimal temperature for the productivity of terrestrial ecosystems
Zhongxiang Fang, Wenmin Zhang, Lanhui Wang, Guy Schurgers, Philippe Ciais, et al.
(2024) Communications Earth and Environment, 5
Journal articleTree cover and its heterogeneity in natural ecosystems is linked to large herbivore biomass globally
Lanhui Wang, Joris P.G.M. Cromsigt, Robert Buitenwerf, Erick J. Lundgren, Wang Li, et al.
(2023) One Earth, 6 p.1759-1770
Journal articleGround-Based Hyperspectral Retrieval of Soil Arsenic Concentration in Pingtan Island, China
Meiduan Zheng, Haijun Luan, Guangsheng Liu, Jinming Sha, Zheng Duan, et al.
(2023) Remote Sensing, 15
Journal articleAccelerated cropland expansion into high integrity forests and protected areas globally in the 21st century
Lanhui Wang, Fangli Wei, Jens Christian Svenning
(2023) iScience, 26
Journal article